In Memory of Jay Adams: A Collection of Articles and Resources

Dr. Jay E. Adams, the founder of the modern biblical counseling movement, went home to be with his Lord and Savior on November 14, 2020. Tributes to his life and ministry are pouring in. Here are links to tributes and to resources related to Jay’s life and ministry.

Tributes to Dr. Adams’ Life and Ministry 

Dr. Adams’ Foundational Works 

For insight into Dr. Adams’ foundational works and for how others have built upon it, you can read:

  • Arms, Donn, and Dave Swavely, Editors. Whole Counsel: The Public and Private Ministries of the Word. Jay Adams’ landmark book Competent to Counselwas first published 50 years ago, and it was the first of over 100 books that he has written. The editors and contributors in Whole Counsel hope that this volume will be used by God to spark a resurgence of interest in Dr. Adams’ teaching, and more importantly, a return to the timeless truths of Scripture on which it is based.

Join the Conversation 

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What is your testimonial about how the life and ministry of Dr. Jay E. Adams impacted you?

Bob Kellemen
Bob Kellemen, Th.M., Ph.D.: Dr. Kellemen is VP of Strategic Development and Academic Dean at Faith Bible Seminary in Lafayette, Indiana. Bob is also the Founder and CEO of RPM Ministries through which he speaks, writes, and consults on biblical counseling and Christian living. Dr. Kellemen served as the founding Executive Director of the Biblical Counseling Coalition. For seventeen years, Bob was the founding Chairman of and Professor in the MA in Christian Counseling and Discipleship department at Capital Bible Seminary in Lanham, MD. Bob has pastored four churches and equipped biblical counselors in each church. Bob and his wife, Shirley, have been married for thirty-eight years; they have two adult children, Josh and Marie, one daughter-in-law, Andi, and three granddaughters. Dr. Kellemen is the author of eighteen books including Equipping Counselors for Your Church, Gospel-Centered Counseling, and Gospel Conversations.