What are you dreaming about…

I picked up a book the other day entitled Where Have all the Dreamers Gone?  This book attempts to discuss the importance of one’s worldview and encourages Christians to restore their dreams and reclaim their role as salt and light.

I was intrigued by that question and how it applies to our students.  What do our students dream about?  Do they have hopes, dreams, aspirations?  It is very easy to become cynical in our world and live with despair and discouragement.  Do students have hope?  Are students chasing after their dreams?  Are their hopes and dreams a part of God’s plan for them?  Have they considered God in their plans?


As I approached my class this year, I asked them about their hopes, plans and dreams.  I wanted to take time to share some of their insights to raise awareness of the fact that our young people have some amazing opportunities and goals for their future.

Junior Girl:  “I’m dreaming about being a great influence on the world.  I will be a CEO of an international company.  I will let many people know about Jesus, and I believe that through my job, I will be in a position to influence many different people.”

Junior Girl:  “I want to major in Anthropology and Archeology.  I’ve always wanted to travel around the world, and I love learning about different cultures.”

Junior Girl:  “My dream is to get my degree in Agronomy.  Once I complete that, ultimately, I want to travel to third-world countries and teach better farming methods.  I would like to parallel this with missionary work.”

Junior Boy:  “I’m dreaming of going to college for international business.  I want to be tri-lingual and possibly an entrepreneur.  I also recently started becoming burdened for Europe, and I feel God calling me to help in the ministry there.”

Senior Boy:  “I find myself thinking more and more about where my life is headed.  Whether it is concerning who I will marry, where I’ll go to college, or where I’ll live and so on.  I know there is a lot that I can do to impact the direction of my future, but I have to ultimately realize that God is in control, and I have to trust Him for what my future holds.  He has a plan for my life, and my job is simply to follow His plan to the best of my gifts and abilities.”

Senior Girl:  “I dream about sharing the gospel with people and seeing them grow to know the Lord.  I dream about being a missionary to another country.  I want to know the Lord better, and I want to experience Him more.  I dream about being a wife and mom some day.  I want to use the leadership and relational skills that the Lord has given me for His honor and glory to bring more people into His kingdom.”

Senior Boy:  “I’m dreaming of one day starting a charity for under-privileged children and young adults through [the avenue of music].  I want to give back to children who have the odds stacked against them or have experienced natural disasters or physical/mental trauma.”

New Opportunities to Dream

The start of a new school year serves as a great opportunity to set goals and to dream big.  To accomplish goals and dreams, however, takes a lot of focus and determination.  I’m thankful and encouraged to hear that young people still have great hopes and great dreams, and that many of them are committing their futures to the Lord!  Proverbs 16:9 reminds us that “The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

I’m dreaming and hoping for a GREAT year at Faith Christian School.  It is both a blessing and privilege to rub shoulders with amazing young people who are seeking to make a difference with their lives.  May God continue to bless each of us as we seek to determine His path for our future.

Scott Grass
Scott Grass is the administrator of Faith Christian School. He has been involved with Faith Christian School since it began in 1997. He and his wife, Debbie, have been active members of Faith Church since 1990. Scott also serves as a deacon and an ABF teacher.