The First Week of School: Why all the hype?

There is a buzz of excitement in the halls at Faith Christian School this week.  Administrators have been planning, teachers have been laminating and stapling, and the maintenance and cleaning crews have been repairing and re-ordering the building all to welcome the bright and smiling faces of the record number of students last Monday.

This scene is true of most schools.  Parents, students, and teachers alike are all eager and enthusiastic to begin a new school year.  The buzz at Faith Christian, however, is for a different reason.  The buzz buzz isn’t about remodeled bathrooms, new hires, new classroom technology, or new backpacks and lunch boxes and haircuts (although we have all those things).  The excitement at Faith Christian is rooted in helping students find their ultimate purpose.  We believe that living effectively in God’s world starts with a right relationship with Him.  In fact, we believe that God has designed all of humanity to have a deep and personal relationship with Him made possible when we accept Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf.  When we do believe in Jesus, God offers forgiveness and invites us into ongoing fellowship with Him.


Joni Digman