Marc Blackwell has served as a missionary since 1973, so he speaks from experience. He and his wife, Judie still serve as missionaries in the Republic of South Africa. When I asked him why anyone should consider being a missionary in today’s world, he told me, “Because it is a life that is lived for others rather than a life lived for self.”
As we consider this topic, I think we need to know what is a missionary ? A missionary is a Christian who is committed to ministering across geographic, cultural or linguistic boundaries … someone who ministers to people who are different than himself/herself. Many ministries are about serving others, but few require one to give up geographic closeness to family and friends or to give leave the culture, society and traditions with which we grew up.
Jesus left the comfort of his position in heaven, the intimate closeness of his Heavenly Father, the worship of the angels and so much more in order to live a life of sinlessness in the form of a man. He did this for his Father and for us … for others! Shouldn’t you and I at least consider the possibility of serving God as a missionary?
If you would like more information on serving as a missionary, contact us today