The following lesson was taught in our children’s Sunday School classes on Sunday, September 16. We would encourage you to use the ideas below to review Sunday’s lesson with your family.
God Uses Gideon to Deliver Israel
Passage: Judges 6–8
Principle: God chooses to deliver His people.
Praise: “Our God Is an Awesome God”
Prompt: Ask your child these questions:
- Why were the Israelites suffering under the Midianites?
- What happened during the Midianite defeat?
Practice: Help your child apply these truths in the following ways:
- By admitting that he is unworthy of God’s grace and deliverance.
- By being ready to be used as an instrument for God’s glory.
This Week: As a family, read selected portions of Judges 6–8.
Next Week: Judges 13-16
Memory Verse: Judges 7:15b
“He returned to the camp of Israel, and said, ‘Arise, for the LORD has delivered the camp of Midian into your hand.’”