The following lesson was taught in our children’s Sunday School classes on Sunday, October 7. We would encourage you to use the ideas below to review Sunday’s lesson with your family.
God Gives Israel a Prophet and a Judge
Passage: 1 Samuel 1–7
Principle: God graciously intervenes in the lives of men.
Praise: “Cry of My Heart”
Prompt: Ask your child these questions:
- How did God bless Israel with a prophet and judge?
- How did God bless Hannah with a son?
Practice: Help your child apply these truths in the following ways:
- By rejoicing that God intervenes in the lives of men.
- By responding to God’s Word by being obedient.
This Week: As a family, read selected portions of 1 Samuel 1–7.
Next Week: 1 Samuel 8–12
Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 2:9
“He will guard the feet of His saints, But the wicked shall be silent in darkness”