Faith Kids @ Home: December 1, 2024

The following lesson was taught in our children’s Sunday School classes on Sunday, December 1. We would encourage you to use the ideas below to review Sunday’s lesson with your family.

Israel Rejects God’s Plan

Read: Numbers 13-14

Ask your child:

  • Why did Moses send spies into Canaan? God was giving them an opportunity to trust Him in the face of challenges.
  • What kind of report did the spies bring back? Ten spies urged the Israelites turn back. Two spies urged the Israelites to trust God and take the land.
  • Which spies trusted the Lord? Joshua and Caleb
  • How did God punish the Israelites? The Israelites would wander in the wilderness until everyone over 20 died.

Emphasize this principle: God deserves our faith. Therefore we should trust Him and obey.


  • Thank God for His promises.
  • Obey God’s instructions.
  • Trust that God’s plan is best.

Sing: “Trust & Obey”

Prepare for next week:  Read Deuteronomy 4-6

Memorize for Nov 10-Dec 1: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1*

* Preschool verse in bold

Trey Garner
Trey Garner is the Pastor of Children's Ministries at Faith Church. He has been married to his wife Deb since 2001. They have two children named Noah and Lauren. Originally from Texas, Trey appreciates barnwood, armadillos, and Blue Bell Ice Cream.