Faith Kids @ Home: April 14, 2024

The following lesson was taught in our children’s Sunday School classes on Sunday, April 14. We would encourage you to use the ideas below to review Sunday’s lesson with your family. 

1 Samuel-Esther Review 

Read: 1 Samuel-Esther 

Ask your child: 

  • Why did Israel ask for a king? They wanted to be like other nations. 
  • What happened when Israel strayed into idolatry? The kingdom was divided and eventually the people were exiled. 
  • What happened when Israel repented? God restored Israel. 

Emphasize this principle: God offers abundant life to His people. Therefore, we should repent and devote ourselves to him. 


  • Praise God for being faithful to His people and promises. 
  • Repent of sin and cling to the Lord. 

Sing: “Create In Me a Clean Heart” 

Prepare for next week: Matthew 3:1-17 

Memorize for Apr 7-Apr 28: Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32* 

* Preschool verse in bold 

Trey Garner
Trey Garner is the Pastor of Children's Ministries at Faith Church. He has been married to his wife Deb since 2001. They have two children named Noah and Lauren. Originally from Texas, Trey appreciates barnwood, armadillos, and Blue Bell Ice Cream.