“This is something I do on a regular basis. It’s an easy way to give back.”
This was most commonly quoted answer in the poll of why citizens of the Lafayette community came to Faith Community Center yesterday evening. Frequently, the Community Center hosts the American Red Cross blood mobile so that the people of this city can donate blood. The blood drive ran 4-8pm in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Rachel, the Team Leader of this blood mobile, has worked for the Red Cross for three years. Her job is to make sure everything runs smoothly at the blood mobile. She says she loves her job, especially because she wants to help the public in the medical field. Giving blood saves lives, and she has heard plenty of stories that inspire her in her work. “People are so thankful. You see the impact on people and it makes you love what you do.”

One of their goals is to help people become lifelong donors.
“It really is so simple, people can just come in and give 45 minutes of their time.” said Rachel. “What stops them is usually a fear of blood and needles. Just come in. We have a lot of patient, understanding people who can help you where you’re at.”
Mary Lou, who has donated blood at the Community Center before, said, “It doesn’t really hurt. I’ve been doing this for 15 years, and very rarely do you see someone who passes out. There’s not a lot of drama involved.”
“Has your experience here been a good one?” I asked her.
“Absolutely,” said Mary Lou.
Doug Greeson, a physician at IU Health Arnett and also a Fun & Fitness member of the Community Center, is another regular donor. As a physician, he sees donating blood from the other perspective. He used to work in emergency and saw a lot of folks who were injured and needed blood.
“You don’t ever catch up on the need for it,” said Doug.
According to the American Red Cross website, donated blood can be used for red blood cells, platelets, plasma and cryoprecipitate. Each donation can save up to three lives.1
“I feel like I should be able to help,” said a teenage girl named Sophia, who came with a friend who gave blood. She was hoping to donate that day but didn’t bring the required paperwork for underage teens. But she says she is excited for the chance to give blood one day. She was inspired to be a donor by seeing some older girls at school donate at a school blood drive.
“If you feel a need to help people, you should try to give blood,” said Sophia. “I’m kind of scared of needles, but I’d still do it.”
Faith Community Center regularly hosts American Red Cross Blood Drives. To follow up-to-date information on what’s happening at the Community Center, or to receive a notification on the next blood drive, follow us on Twitter or Facebook.