Lynn and Kathy Heusinger share, “It would be so easy to say, ‘We’ve got a lot going on right now, and we just can’t do more.’ Yet long ago I heard someone say, ‘You can spend your life however you wish, but you have to live with what you choose.’ Christ told us to ‘lay up treasures in heaven’…that was one reason we chose to invest in the lives of young people for God’s Kingdom.” To hear more of their testimony, check out the video below.
There is only one more week of our SERVE ’18 campaign, and we need your help to ensure each class is prepared to effectively teach children God’s Word. We are encouraging every member of our church to honestly evaluate your present level of service for Christ and prayerfully consider making service in our Children’s Ministries a normal part of your Sunday morning worship. Then, sign up to serve at or fill out the form in Sunday’s bulletin.