Quite frankly, this post is to the faithful follower of Christ. Here are a few reasons why you should invite someone to your local church:
1. Jesus invited you
You were invited to follow Jesus. As a result of what God has done for you through Christ, you should naturally desire and long to share that message of God’s crazy love and hope for mankind – The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Isaiah 53; Romans 5:8; Ephessians 1; Colossians 1:13-14).
2. Jesus has done the hard work
We live in a free country where inviting people to hear the gospel has no cost to the one inviting. Yet, on the other hand, it may have a significant eternal cost to the one not invited.
3. Jesus gave us a mission
If you and I believe Matthew 28:19-20, that we are to make disciples (of Christ), then that’s what we need to be about.
If people will invite others to buy knives because those knives are the best, or a vacuum cleaner because it’s best, or whatever…I’m here to tell you, we had better be inviting people to hear the greatest message (God sent His only Son Jesus, out of love, to pay the penalty for man’s sin) to solve the biggest problem (we all have sinned), so that each person can experience the greatest solution (salvation by placing one’s faith in Christ alone) in order to be a part of the greatest cause that focuses on the bringing glory to the greatest person – God. That is the greatest job ever (2 Corinthians 5).
Let’s make a difference in the world by connecting people with that message.
Quick note: Although I think it’s important to invite people to church, this is not the end goal. More importantly, believers should be inviting people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. See What is the G.O.S.P.E.L.? if you have more questions.