We hope you are as excited as we are about our upcoming benefit concert at 6:00 pm on Saturday, September 24th. You will be blessed with a free concert featuring Wayburn Dean formerly with Accapella! It is sure to be an encouraging time of worship, and we hope you will be there to experience it with us.
Wayburn Dean has used the musical talents to the glory of God for many years, but his family at one point did not know if he would have many years of life at all. As a newborn, doctors informed Wayburn’s mother that her son had ten days to live. Modeling the biblical story of Hannah, Wayburn’s mother prayed and asked God to save her son, and she would be sure to raise him up to serve the Lord. Many years later, Wayburn is still using what has been given to him to serve the Lord and bring others to saving faith in Christ!
Wayburn’s story is very encouraging, and can be found on his website: www.wayburndean.com. We cannot wait to share in this special concert with you. See you there!