Each year, we hold our annual fundraiser, the Race for Hope! This year, we will be holding this important Race on June 11th. Our staff team has been hard at work getting ready for this event, and we are getting very excited!
It is our goal to keep the cost of our program very low for women in need. We never want finances to hinder someone from receiving the hope and help that they need. It costs about $1,500/month for us to serve each lady in our program. The cost we ask from our residents for room and board only is $400/month. As you can see, Vision of Hope sponsors each resident at $1,100.00/month.
Because we depend largely on donations, the annual Race for Hope is so important. Not only do the proceeds from this Race help us keep our costs very low for our ladies, but it is also an amazing opportunity to share with our community the message that God is still in the business of transforming lives!
Would YOU consider being involved in this event? To register to walk or run in the race, or to simply donate any amount, click here.
Please be in prayer for this event and its participants, as we continue to plan and prepare!