The Race for Hope is THIS Saturday, and we couldn’t be more excited.
One of the reasons why we are so passionate about this race is that it is so far reaching in our community. Running is a sport about which many are very passionate, and gathering together to share our passions and participate in something we love is always so exciting! The Race for Hope is not meant for just those who are members of our church; it is for those who have a passion for running and who want to do it to support something very good. We are looking forward to seeing many from our community join us in this exciting event, and in the process to share the message that the Gospel is powerful and that God is still in the business of transforming lives!
Please be in prayer for this event, as we are working through the final details. Please pray for the runners and walkers, that everyone will be safe and enjoy the race! Pray that the weather will be enjoyable as well. Please pray for all of our many volunteers who are getting up bright and early to serve in this great fundraiser! And above all, please pray for the message of the Gospel; that we will have many opportunities to make this life-changing message known to those in our community!
There is still time to participate in this race by registering as a runner or walker, or by donating to one of our ministries! For more information, check out our Race website!
We cannot wait to see not only how God will provide for our ministries through this fundraiser, but also to see how His name will be made known! “To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.” (Phil. 4:20)