“In your pursuit of godliness, have you left Jesus behind?” This is the powerful question asked in the introduction to this week’s book, Because He Loves Me by Elyse Fitzpatrick.
It can be so easy to get in a rut of waking up, going through our everyday lives and responsibilities, going to bed, and repeating that over and over. We can find ourselves stuck in monotony, never even thinking about Jesus and the gospel throughout our days! But the Bible implores us to keep the gospel at the forefront of our minds when it states, “Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.” (1 Cor. 15:1-2) If the gospel is the power by which we stand and are being saved, then we need to be sure we have not dropped it from the forefront of our minds! The power of the gospel message has amazing implications for our lives in each and every situation, and we are to hold fast to it day by day. Fitzpatrick seeks to reignite its fiery message in the lives of her readers with this resource.
In this book, Fitzpatrick brings the gospel to life in ways many of us have not considered. Addressing our identity and who we truly are because of Christ can help us greatly as we seek to worship God, fight sin, and relate to others. In every situation we could possibly face in our lives, the gospel has a powerful and freeing impact, and learning how to apply the gospel to daily living is an important mindset for every believer to learn.
Living our lives in light of the gospel and who we are in Christ is so important, and many of our residents have been greatly impacted and helped by this great book! If you are interested in purchasing your own copy of this resource, click here!