As we reflect on God’s grace in our lives, we see His grace displayed in many diverse ways. The Bible holds great examples to us of the many aspects of God’s grace. Let’s take the time today to reflect on a few of these aspects, and to hear what one of our staff and interns has shared concerning how she has seen God’s grace in her life!
In 2 Peter 3:18, Peter states, “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.” Like a plant one would find growing in the most unlikely place, God shows us grace by allowing us to grow in Him. Simply put, when we grow to know God more and more, we are experiencing His grace. We do not deserve a relationship with Him – we are all fallen sinners, and the most unlikely people God would choose – yet He has chosen to allow us the opportunity to know Him in a deep, intimate way through Christ and His Word! And not only that, but He actually wants this relationship with us! This fact should always prompt us to praise Him as Peter did; “To Him be the glory!”
One of our staff members, Janice, shared this statement: “I see God’s hand on all of my children’s lives and them growing in trusting God! And it is a thrill to see the VOH ladies experience Christ’s grace and be changed by Him! God is in the business of redemption and making all things new!” Amen, Janice! Each time one of our ladies surrenders their live to Christ or fights to kill an idol of their heart, we witness God’s grace at work! Praise the Lord that He wants us and desires that we come to know Him more and more!
In the weeks to come, we will look at more aspects of God’s grace and will continue to hear from some of our staff members, interns, and residents. For this week, allow me to challenge you to focus on experiencing God’s grace by growing in your knowledge of Him. Dive deeply into His Word, and experience a relationship so precious that you, too, will be prompted to cry, “To Him be the glory, both now and to the day of eternity!”