God dwells with His people; therefore, we should worship and find our joy in Him. Check out some thoughts on our upcoming Sunday School lesson on Exodus 25-31.
References for the Biblical Theology of “Temple”
- Garden of Eden — Genesis 3:24
- Parallels include the east-facing entrance guarded by cherubim, the gold, the tree of life (lampstand), and the tree of knowledge (the law). (The ESV Study Bible, p. 183).
- Tabernacle — Exodus 25:1–31:17
- Solomon’s Temple — 1 Kings 8:1–11
- Ezekiel’s Temple [Vision] — Ezekiel 40–48
- Zerubabel’s Temple — Haggai 1:1–2:18
- Herod’s Temple — This is the temple during Jesus’ day (e.g. Luke 2:27; Mark 15:38)
- Jesus & The Temple:
- Immanuel — Matthew 1:23
- Blessed By Simeon in the Temple — Luke 2:27–33
- 12 Year old Jesus calls the Temple His Father’s House — Luke 2:42–49
- Overturning Tables, Cleansing the Temple — Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15; John 2:15
- Jesus says, “Destroy this temple and I will rebuild it in three days” — John 2:19–20
- The Church is God’s Temple — 1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Peter 2:4-10 (living stones)
- Individual Christians are temples of the Spirit — 1 Corinthians 6:19
- The Heavenly Temple where Christ is Interceding — Hebrews 8:1–10:18
- New Jerusalem: the Lord God Almighty & the Lamb are the temple — Revelation 21:15–23
If you’re interested in reading more about the mega-theme of temple in Scripture, then get G.K. Beale’s book here.