One of the resources we like to point our ladies to who come struggling with destructive eating habits is Love to Eat, Hate to Eat by Elyse Fitzpatrick. This little book has challenged many of our ladies to look not only at the behavior, but also at the heart. Let’s look a little deeper into this powerful book.
This book starts off with a bang, as Elyse Fitzpatrick begins by stating, “this is not a diet book.” She quickly explains that you won’t find a cookie-cutter diet plan in these pages, but what you will find is hope and freedom through Christ and His Word. Elyse goes from explaining about the kind of change God desires – a heart change – to challenging her readers to look into their own hearts and weed out the desires they are trying to fulfill with their eating habits. Elyse offers great, practical tools to help those who are struggling to make healthy food choices, such as her popular D-I-S-C-I-P-L-I-N-E-D E-ating acronym which many of our ladies use daily.
Whether you struggle with destructive eating habits or not, Love to Eat, Hate to Eat will challenge you to look into your own heart and see where your idols lie. You will learn that although the behavior of destructive eating habits is to be taken seriously, God sees the heart, and He wants to help you make a true heart-change that will last. Many of our ladies here have been helped greatly by this resource, and I have heard more than once in our house, “It’s like she’s in my head!”
If you are struggling with destructive eating habits, or know someone who is, we at VOH would highly recommend this resource. It goes without saying that Love to Eat, Hate to Eat offers much hope as Elyse takes you on the journey to disciplined eating and a heart that is focused on our Savior. If you are interested in purchasing this great resource, you can get it here!