One of the best things about the first few days of school is that everyone is excited for a fresh start. Regardless of what may have happened last year, whether good or bad, it is refreshing that we can start anew every school year. During our student orientation last Monday, I congratulated all of the freshmen for currently having a 4.0 GPA, and I encouraged them, from an academic standpoint, to try their best to stay as close to 4.0 as possible throughout their high school career.
What is Truth?
Another “best thing” about school starting up is the opportunity that I have to teach Senior Bible class. This year I have 36 seniors in my class. The first two days of class, from my perspective, were nothing short of outstanding! One of the small group discussion questions centered on the quote:
“we give evidence for Christianity because we ought to live our lives based on the truth.”
To be able to listen to high school seniors discuss the relationship between their faith in Christ and their daily lives was truly inspiring and refreshing. This all begs the question, “can anyone know truth?” One student actually said something to the effect of, “Mr. Grass, all of this thinking makes my head hurt…” Don’t you just love that? Young people having deep discussions on “what is truth” and, “is absolute truth knowable?” Some additional questions that we will seek to answer include: Where did we come from? Who are we? Why are we here? How should we live? Where are we going?
Equipping Students
These questions aren’t only important from an individual’s perspective, they also line up directly with our school’s mission: Partnering with parents to help equip students to live effectively in God’s world. Our students’ faith and lives will be questioned, scrutinized, and challenged in many ways. Our hope and goal would be that our students would be equipped to live out their faith in practical and effective ways and to shine their light so that others may see Christ through them.
Run the Race
I’m looking forward to a wonderful school year. At FCS, we have a lot to be thankful for, and God has shown His faithfulness to us time and time again. As we prepare to run the race that the Lord has placed before us, it is comforting and helpful to know that the Lord has gone before us, and His promises are true. His mercies are new every morning! I trust that your school year will be characterized by a close and strengthening relationship with Jesus Christ. Here’s to a new beginning and a fresh start!