“such were some of you” – 1 Cor. 6:11
“The gospel demands everything from all of us. If someone thinks the gospel has somehow slotted into their lives quite easily, without causing any major adjustments to their lifestyle or aspirations, it is likely they have not really started following Jesus at all” — Sam Allberry
The quote above is from a book that talks about taking sin seriously and changing forever. The truth is, many times, when folks come to know Christ, some might confess that life didn’t change much. Sure they had to get up for church now, and they had to stop doing some things, but overall life was still the same. This reflects a bad understanding of our sin and of what Christ calls us to do. Christ calls us to radical change.
Radical Change
This change could be seen in the church at Corinth. Paul notes that the men and women in Corinth were not living a life that was pleasing to God at all, but when they came to a saving knowledge of him and made Christ the Lord of their life, it all changed: “such were some of you”.
They were drunks, idolaters, homosexuals, swindlers and the list goes on, but when Christ came along, everything changed. They stopped being defined in these categories and began t be defined as a new creation, being made into his image.
Fruit with Repentance?
So looking at your life… is there change? Is there fruit that goes along with your repentance? Would someone looking at the old you, the one before you knew Christ, and the person that you are today, come to the conclusion that there has been a radical change? If so, that is great to hear! Have you ever considered sharing how He has done that? Perhaps even on this blog? There is power in sharing because we know that the hope you have been given can encourage others (2 Cor. 1:4).
If you don’t have any substantial changes, perhaps it is time to examine yourself. Maybe you should contact one of your pastors or spiritual leaders in your life and ask how you can change to become more like Christ. If you are wrestling with some sin in your life, that has been there for a long time, has it started to define you? Let’s get to the spot where you could agree with 1 Cor. 6:11 and say “such was I, but no longer”.