Another Hollywood tragedy this week: Lisa Robin Kelly, age 43, is dead just a couple of days after checking into a Rehab center. Presumably, it was alcohol or other drug-related, though nothing has been confirmed at the time of this writing.
Here is a link to a brief internet article about Lisa Kelly:
I think Christians forget that we are in a spiritual war. There is an urgency to our battle. The Apostle Paul knew it and he did not waste his life on frivolous things. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, he defended his ministry with these words:
For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. 5 We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ, 6 being ready to punish every disobedience, when your obedience is complete.
Paul knew where the real source of power for the ministry the Lord had entrusted to him had come from: the Holy Spirit. Paul also knew that every thought had to obey Christ and His Word. If a thought didn’t agree or obey Christ, it must be taken captive because Christ-followers are in a war with their own flesh and temptations offered by Satan and this world to sin. And some sins lead to death (Eph. 5:18; I John 5:16-17).
Two weeks ago, a ministry leader of an addiction program and a friend of mine called me with horrible news: a man who was about to enter into his rehab program overdosed the night before his admission. He never made it to the program.
Shockingly, another ministry friend of mine with an addiction program in a totally different state reported a similar story. A man headed into his program died the night before admission!
Two deaths – two different programs – both on the night prior to admission – in the same week. How tragic! And what a powerful reminder!
The need is great. The battle is now. As the church of Jesus Christ, we have the answer and the only power to offer anyone who wants to be transformed from drunkard into a new creation in Christ. The body of Christ is the hope of this world because we have the Gospel to proclaim the excellencies of Jesus Christ Who has the power to transform anyone enslaved to sins (like “addiction” which is really idolatry and drunkenness according to the Bible).
Faith Church understands the urgency. The leadership team understands the urgency. Faith Church is prayerfully planning and researching the possibility of opening a men’s disciple-making program for addiction and all types of life-dominating sin issues as the Lord provides the means to do so. Join Faith Church in prayer as we seek God and His wisdom as well as His financial provision to support such a venture. Donations to support this endeavor are welcome as the time is now at the following link:
Vision of Hope exists to help young women like Lisa Robin Kelly who are enslaved. We grieve the death of Lisa Robin Kelly and yet are soberly reminded of the urgency of the needs around us in this spiritual war.
-Pastor Mark Shaw