One of the most popular books among the ladies here is “Girls Gone Wise in a World Gone Wild” by Mary A. Kassian. This book has challenged us all as residents, staff, and interns. Let’s take a look at what this book is all about, and see if you’re a girl gone wise or a girl gone wild!
Overview of the Book:
Mary Kassian does a great job as she compares the “girl gone wild” from Proverbs 7 with what the Bible tells us is a “girl gone wise” Each chapter focuses on specific contrasts between the wild woman and the wise woman, and you’ll be surprised to see just how wild you really are! With titles like, “Heart: What Holds First Place in Her Effections”, “Body Language: Her Nonverbal Behavior”, and “Entitlement: Her Insistance on Gratification”, each chapter will challenge you to decide if you’re going to follow what the world says is wise, or what God says is wise.
Lessons Learned:
Many lessons will be learned throughout this book. I think the most striking thing is that it’s not just about being “too sensual” and the age old question of “how far is too far?”. It goes far deeper than that, to the desires of our hearts. You can be doing everything right on the outside, while still having the attitude and heart desires of what the Bible says is a wild woman.
But don’t lose heart – there is hope! While the layout of this book is very convicting, Mary Kassian also does a great job of offering us practical tips on how to change our thinking and actions from those of a wild woman, to those of a wise woman.
So, if you’re wanting to be challenged to begin growing into the woman that God wants you to be, then we at VOH hightly recommend this book. It has greatly impacted the lives of our ladies here, and it is sure to impact yours as well!