Friends, we understand that asking people to come to church with you can be a challenge. You might be embarrassed, you might be intimidated, you might be asking someone for the first time, or you might be concerned about their response. We understand that challenge, but we also want to help you overcome it. That is why we design certain things in the year to make it as easy as possible such as:
- The Lafayette Living Nativity
- The Lafayette Passion Play
- Specially designed sermon series
We are doing an outreach series centered on six words that every relationship needs. That means your neighbors need to know these words, your co-workers need to know these words, your bosses need to know these words, and your family members need to know these words.
Last Sunday we learned that one of those words is grace. We need grace to deal with injustices, we need grace to deal with unpleasant circumstances, we need grace when we want to get even, and we need grace when we have the power to get revenge. In other words, every one of our relationships needs grace.
Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a series of relationships that were characterized by grace? Nice huh?
This week’s word is just as important – it is encouragement.
What if your relationships were characterized by encouragement? That would be pretty cool as well.
I would like to offer two challenges to you this week.
- Be there Sunday morning, ready to learn and apply encouragement into all your relationships.
- Invite a person in your sphere of influence to come with you.
Maybe if our church were packed on Sunday, more people would live like Jesus the rest of the week.