J Term Excitement

J Term Implemented

One of Faith Christian School’s initiatives this year was to incorporate J Term into the school program.  J Term is a 2-week educational program that focuses on concentrated or creative study.  Experiences may include extended classroom study, travel, or internships.  A major goal of J Term is to help students discover their God-given, unique giftedness, by implementing non-traditional means and experiences for students to participate in.

Excitement Grows

There are several Christian schools in our area that have implemented J Term to their school program.  Last year, a team from FCS visited Wheaton Academy, near Chicago, to observe their J Term program.  Our group of teachers and students came away from that experience very enthused and encouraged, and we determined at that time to pursue adding J Term at Faith.  One of the comments that impacted our thinking was that J Term “labels us as theologically conservative AND educationally progressive.” The J Term program also sets the stage for a student to understand life calling.

Positive Experiences

Our inaugural J Term program took place from January 3rd – January 14th.  We offered 28 special classes that included:  WWII In-depth study; Driver’s Training; Cake Decorating; Healthy Living; Computer Programming; Lifeguarding; Indoor Soccer; American Musicals; Music Appreciation; and Building Trades Management.  We also offered two trips – one to Florida for backpacking, and the other group went to Mexico City for a missions’ trip.  Lastly, we had close to 45 students participate in internships all throughout the state.  Some of these internships included:  the Lafayette Police Department; Physical Therapy; Basketball Coaching at Bethel College; Elementary Education at Glen Acres Elementary School; Medical Internships; and the Lafayette Civic Theatre.  Our students and teachers continue to comment about the positive experience that they had with J Term.


The lessons and experiences that J Term provides our students is incomparable.  Our students were genuinely excited for school, and they learned so many valuable concepts and life lessons that a traditional class or schedule cannot afford.  Faith Christian School’s mission is to partner with parents to raise students to live effectively in God’s World.  We believe that programs like J Term truly equip students for a life of service in their area of calling. We are currently planning for next year and we are excited to see how the Lord will work in the lives of our students and teachers.

Faith Christian School:  Solid Foundations = Strong Futures.

Scott Grass
Scott Grass is the administrator of Faith Christian School. He has been involved with Faith Christian School since it began in 1997. He and his wife, Debbie, have been active members of Faith Church since 1990. Scott also serves as a deacon and an ABF teacher.