Earlier we thought out about the freedom from legalism or mysticism that our new life in Christ brought. But we are not only free “from” something; we are also free “to” something. In other words, since you and I are not in bondage we are free then to live life for Christ. In fact, Colossians 3:1-17 is very much like Romans 6:11 where we are dead to sin and alive to God. So this post is part 1 of a series of posts that will highlight one or two of the “dead to sin” and “alive to God” freedoms that we, as believers in Christ, enjoy.
You are dead to immorality (Col. 3:5)
If you are reading this and struggling today with pornography, adultery, lust, or sex before marriage, then I want to encourage you that you are free to put these sins in your life to death. You can, due to the cross of Jesus and his power, stop participating. The next time you are tempted think to yourself (or maybe say out loud), “I am dead to that.” Jesus has set you free, now live in that freedom.
You are free to put on a heart of compassion (Col. 3:12)
The gospel can change the hardest of hearts. The indwelling Holy Spirit can change a person from cruel or indifferent to compassionate. Friend, you are free to be compassionate. Let me encourage you to take two simple compassionate steps today. First, please spend 10 minutes thinking about what life must be like for your friends who are hurting. What would be going through your mind if you were told you have cancer? What would you say to your children if they asked you why their friends received so much for Christmas and they got next to nothing? What would it be like to have a child who was sick or injured during the holidays? My point, is simply to wrestle with the experiences and difficulties that others may face. Second, please contact a person in your life who could use a little encouragement. Maybe the holidays were difficult for them. Maybe they are facing some financial challenges. Maybe they are having difficulties in their parenting or their marriage. Whatever the challenge that your friend is facing, please contact them and offer encouragement.
If you are a genuine follower of Jesus then you are free indeed. Join with us in seeking to live out that freedom to the praise and glory of God.