Anyone who has ever stepped into the counseling room knows that counseling is not easy. People are hurting. Sometimes biblical counseling can be discouraging. So here is just a little encouragement for all of you to keep gospel centered counseling at the core of your ministry.
Reason #1: It is an opportunity to minister the Gospel personally
People need the Lord. Those who have come to Christ need to hear the gospel again and again.
Reason #2: It is a great reminder that we are always dependent on the work of the Lord
Counseling is not first about our wisdom, or our skill. Gospel Centered counseling is first about Jesus and making him first in our lives. Without Christ building the house, the laborer works in vain.
Reason #3: Watching God change someone’s life is very exciting and encouraging
Counseling gives us a front row seat to the work of God in people’s lives. Hopeless situations are suddenly full of hope. Conflict and strife are met with forgiveness and kindness. Suffering is met with rest and trust in the Savior who never leaves us nor forsakes us.
Reason #4: It is a great to think about the gospel truths yourself
Counseling also gives the counselor the opportunity to consider how the gospel truths impact his or her own life. There is nothing like telling another person exactly what you needed to hear!
Reason #5: It brings glory and honor to God
Gospel Centered counseling, because it is focused on Christ and His Word, give God his rightful place. All too often believers give or take credit that rightly belongs to the Lord.