Tomorrow’s the big day for Homeward Bound in Greater Lafayette. As one of the many agencies involved, Vision of Hope has been working hard to make full use of this great fundraising opportunity. Vision of Hope plans 4 fundraisers each year, and with this spring fundraiser we are hoping to raise $22,000 – $25,000 to use to provide the programming at Vision of Hope at no cost to our residents or their families.
We praise God that already so far the 12 walking teams raising money exclusively for Vision of Hope have raised over $11,000. We know that additional donations will come in Saturday morning, so we are very hopeful to get close to our goal.
As we prepare for tomorrow we’d like to ask you to pray with us about the following issues:
1. Safety for the walkers. We are walking through both nature trails and city blocks. Please pray especially for safety as walkers cross through areas of traffic.
2. Success for the agencies. This fundraiser has the opportunity to be a very successful way for many different agencies to raise money to support their programming. We would pray that each of the agencies meet their goals.
3. Testimonies of the VOH teams. We are praying that the VOH girls, interns, and staff walking on Saturday morning would shine like bright lights for Christ in our community as they observe our sweet attitudes, loving actions, and sincere faith in God.
4. Realization of our goal. We are sincerely asking God to help us meet our fundraising goal of raising $22,000 – $25,000 to support the programming at VOH through this fundraiser.
Once again, we thank you for everything our friends do to support the programming at Vision of Hope! We are so grateful for you!